Hello all.
I realize that it has been quite a few days since last you heard of the adventures of Laci.
But, what can I say, I have been busy! Last weekend, I was in Stia. This quaint little town is located in the region of Casentino; which is still Tuscany. It was a Post-Bac trip (coordinated by our teacher) and we stayed in a former monastery. Very cold walls and floors, but tons of character
that can't be neglected. There were papers, in the house, dating back to the 1800s and vinyl albums (Yes, we played them and Stevie and Pink Floyd never sounded better.)! As a part of the trip we also went to St Francis' monastery (left), the location where he received the Stigmata. Can I just say, that it was absolutely beautiful. I was at the top of the pilgrimage, sitting on the edge of the monastery walls, literally viewing the town below, writing in my journal, while The Katinas' I'm Alive resonated over me! I could feel God's presence and was thankful for the moment. I was also thankful to Kathie for the CD! Please, click the link; powerful stuff.

This week I started something called Language Tandem. It is basically an exchange with people who want to learn English with those who want to learn Italian. This has been interesting to say the least! Everyone is so patient as the words literally commit suicide on my lips as they exit my mouth. I become so timid (yes, I can be timid, no laughing!). My comprehension continues to increase, but the responses, well... I'll keep you posted.
Friday and Saturday I had a babysitting job for a 10 year old from Canada! She was such a sweetie. I got a chance to take her to several tourist spots across Florence, including the top of the Duomo and the secret passages of Palazzo Vecchico; thanks to my friend Stefano. Here they are as he leads her in experiments about perspective.
So Now What...
1. This week I have midterms. Dreading the one in Italian, but excited about the one in photography.
2. I leave for fall break on Friday. I am going on a 10 day cruise with two other Post-Bacs (Jen and Katie). We leave/return from Rome, visit 4 cities in Greece, Ephesus, Turkey, and Naples. YES! I plan to have the pizza in Naples. After all, I don't want to disappoint Elizabeth Gilbert.
3. I am shooting pictures and conferencing with Jacopo weekly. He continues to be a great inspiration.
4. I have started looking for an apartment. I will be living with Italians come Decemeber, just not sure which ones.
5. No assignments for the paper "write now," but I am always looking for the next story.