Can I just say, I have had some really good weekends since I started living in Europe. For example, Venice for the weekend, Fall leaves in Stia, hanging at the Rugby game and dinner with Giovanni's Family. BUT, this weekend tops them all and the great thing, there are more to come.
FRIDAY was a bit glum, only because my camera broke at a photo shoot the day before. Literally, the shutter collapsed upon itself!! Mind you, I was shooting in a mental hospital (no patients) and an abandoned orphanage when it happened. Could it be I am shooting too much? Is 30 rolls of film too much? hummm. Needless to say, there was still more shooting to be completed on Thursday, but it didn't happen for me. *sigh* Nevertheless, Friday was the upswing of the weekend, because my photo teacher, Jacopo, who I love, personally escorted me to a photo shop that should be able to help me out. I was supposed to hear of the results Friday afternoon, it is now Monday afternoon and Jacopo just called. The camera is ready and less then what I budgeted for. GLORY TO GOD! Especially considering that last phone bill... and the shooting to still be done.
That night I had dinner, Mexican, with three other Yankees followed by some awesome Cuban music. Cuban music in Italy, who knew...
SATURDAY was filled with printing in the studio. I am currently working on three separate projects. One of which is my attempt at a photojournalist perspective/story. Fingers Crossed! If you didn't know, after about 4 hours of printing, everything that is white starts to look green. So, I took a break to meet my friend Danielle at an area bar for appretivo and the game. I am a huge football fan, GO! PACK GO! But unfortunately, I am unable to get my weekly fix here in Florence. So I have learned to settle for real football; soccer.
Watching Fiortena, the Florence team play and whip some team from the North was awesome! You see this stuff on TV, but when folks actually start singing the city/team fight songs, you can't help but join in! Great fun... I have to buy some purple so I fit in better next time. After I went back to the studio and worked until midnight, security pretty much put me out!
SUNDAYthe weather was absolutely fabulous! Cold, but sunny and just a few clouds... And in the afternoon I finally found an apartment!! It is located 'out of the center,'(The Duomo, San Lorenzo etc), away from the touristy part of town and the neighborhood is pretty much only Italians. Yes ladies and gentleman, it is now 2 Italians and 1 American! My new housemates are Lucina and Simona. Sweet girls, who pretty much just speak Italian, but want to learn English so let the lessons begin!! (I do hope my accent doesn't rub off.) Of course, last night when I was struggling through my Italian homework I started thinking, what have I done!?!? My only American contact will be at the school and with Danielle. YIKES...
After this euphoric moment, I came back to the studio to look for tickets for my sister and I. We will be spending New Year's Eve in Paris!!! I can't believe how cheap it was to fly there from Italy. We leave from Florence on New Year's Eve, arriving about 4 in the afternoon, returning to Florence on the 3rd. We will be couch surfing while there and I promise to take lots of pictures! I have never been to Times Square for New Year's, and I have nothing to compare it to, but I assume it should be OK.
The day was of course was topped off with great food. My housemate Jen has a new "friend." Francisco. He is from Mexico and made two authentic dishes for us. I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD! (Yes! I am yelling!!) But the highlight of the ENTIRE weekend was a new introduction to the BEST thing in Italy. Chocolto Au fu Gato con Panne... Now this is totally spelled wrong, but don't get stuck there. The important part is this. It is literally Hot Chocolate with 2 scoops of Gelato (I prefer carmello) and REAL whipped Cream!! OMG. It is about 1200 calories, but seriously, who cares. I could literally swim in it. I could wear it like George Costanza wants to wear velvet on Seinfeld. That's how I am about this decadence. YUMMO!! Isn't it funny how when it is all said and done, it comes back to food. hummm... mental note: 'I really need to learn how to cook more.'
I am off to the studio, to complete more printing!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Italy, Turkey, and Greece, Oh My!
The last few weeks have been so busy for me! If you can't tell, I am defiantly enjoying myself in Europe. As you may recall, when we last left our heroine she was on her way to a 10 day Mediterranean Cruise for the fall break. It was awesome and well deserved. I have not had a vacation since I started the principalship or graduated with my doctorate, so I am sure you will agree it was past due! My favorite spot, by far, was Myknonos. To the left I am on the beach just enjoying the sun of this beautiful island. Below are a few other fun spots: Santornini, Ephesus, Naples and on the boat!.

We also went to Kudasi, Turkey for a day. Jen and Katie were my travel partners. We even
celebrated Jen's Birthday on and off the ship. Of course we kept the golden rule of Girl Scouting, "Make new friends, but keep the old ones..." We ran into a few of the crew while visiting Kudasi and they were a great help with the language barrier!! Check out the videos for yourself, it was a lot of fun and of course the pictures tell the story too!
So now what...
1. Well, I am busy shooting, processing, printing, and preparing for winter critiques.
2. I just had my first show this week!! It was awesome. I used an image from a 4am photo shoot. I'll add a picture of my picture later. Several people were there, even my language partners Nicola and Giuseppe!
3. Last weekend I went to Venice. It was amazing! A photographer's dream. The light is unreal! Pictures from that are included too!
4. Finally, I am no longer calling home, unless on Skype! I knew it would be expensive to call home, and Italy doesn't send yours bill every month, but NOT over 400 Euros worth! YIKES, please feel free to send donations.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Si, Possimo
Si, Possimo! ~Yes, We Can!!
Let me preface this post by saying I realize I may loose some readers, but hopefully no one will be offended. If you are offended or lost, just follow the bread crumbs back to a reality check.These are my thoughts and as a Black Woman living in Europe, during this time and season, I have to share the perspective of the election through my eyes as my feet stand upon the soil that is Firenze.
Everywhere I would go, from the time I arrived in Italy, people would ask me. "Are you American?" My response, "Si, sonna Americana," (Yes, I am American.) "You like Obama. Did you vote?" These questions came more readily as the election drew closer. In addition, they would often lead to a lengthy discussion of how you don't ask who people vote for, how it is considered rude and people don't talk politics. Only to receive the retort. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, but did you vote Obama, you voted Obama didn't you?" Each time I would NOT give them a definite answer, but today I stand here and say YES, ITALY I VOTED OBAMA!! Originally I was going for McCain, I know, please close your mouths, but after he picked Palin, it was over for me. The arguments about inexperience and such, went out the window.
Keep in mind, I am SEVEN hours AHEAD and had an Italian mid-term to focus on, so I couldn't go to the huge election party here in the city. Nevertheless, I spoke to both my parents about 2 in the morning Florence time, which of course was WAY to early American time to find out what was happening. I told my mom call me when its over, I have to go to bed! The call went like this:
Approximately 5:30am (Florence time); low and sullen tones.
Me: Hello
Ma: Hi Baby, It's over.
Me: Did he win?
Ma: He won!
Me: What, we have a black president?!
Ma: Yep.
Ma & Me: Silence... tears...
As I walked the streets of Florence today I had a bit of a swagger. Almost to the point of John Travolta, but not that corny. I was so proud to be an American! I was so proud to catalog this day from behind my lens. Catching people discussing the election results, reading the paper, sporting their Obama gear. I purchased two newspapers today at the stand down from my house, the owner said. "Vivo Obama!" My response, "Si!"
So now, I continue to pray for our nation, for our world, that God would lead him in the selection of an administration, protect him from those who would want him to fall, and guide him so he will not fail, etc.
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