Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Non so...

Non so... Simply in English. I don't know.

Come February, I would have been in Italy for about six months. The time has gone by so quickly and with that time the need to make some decisions. Repeatedly friends and family alike ask me, 'When are you coming back to the states?' or 'How much longer are you going to stay in Italy?' and of course, 'Is the food really as good as they say it is?'

The last question I can answer a definite YES, it is actually better!! As for the first two, well... Non so. Life is good here and I am considering my options. Stay here another year, working in photography OR go to New York and continue studying photography. I really have fallen in love with this form of capturing the world around me. I can't imagine doing anything else or God having me walk any other path. I truly love this season in my life....

So now what?
  • I have a show at the end of February, with two other artists (a painter and book artists). It is being held at a local wine house. Lovely location!
  • Finished shooting my semi/nude male study and these are the images I plan to use. Still working with the contrast and sizing for printing. I literally just asked people off the street or friend of a friend of a friend.
  • I hope to get a little more travel in soon, after all, my birthday is coming up!!
  • The phone bill seems to be back under control. Thanks for the donations!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An American in Paris

HAPPY NEW YEAR! or Buone Anne as the Parisians say...

Carmelita and I bought in 2009 on the streets of the Champs Elysees. Paris tradition, includes individuals (mostly tourists) gathered in the streets to watch the fireworks glow and cast off from the Eiffel Tower at the stroke of midnight. Along with this, is a multitude of cultures celebrating in their own significant ways. I literally witnessed people from Mexico dance with the flag around them and folks from the Middle East do a circle of sort dance in celebration of the new year (looked like fun.) Of course, in the states we have our customs as well, and believe it or not, a farmer from Nebraska was my first kiss of 2009, on the cheek of course! In addition, Carmie and I danced at a hot spot in Paris until 6am!! And when I say dance, I mean everything from FRENCH hip hop, reggae, to heavy metal, R&B, pop, and even BALI music! Who knew...

Believe everything you hear, Paris is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! I will definitely have to go back! While there, Carmie and I made a list of all of the hot spots we wanted to visit (what else would you expect from a former teacher, of course I had a list!) These included: Pere-Lachaise (cementary of several famous folks like Chopin and Jim Morrison *note, do you know they had a bottle of Hennessey on his grave site, now what is he suppose to do with that?!, Come on people!)

Notre Dame. I am happy to report I did not see ANY gargoyles or Quasimodo. But I did experience the most beautiful cathedral you have ever seen! My sister, who is Catholic, wiped tears from her eyes as she prayed and lite candles. In addition, the most lovely scent of incense burned during the mass. It is truly a miraculous place.

Studying Art in Italy, I have grown more found of the masters then ever before. That being said, of course no trip would be complete without a stop by the Louvre! And yes, we say Mona herself. I promise she winked at me. Seriously, seeing each of these works in person was amazing! Nothing compares.

And of course, no visit would be complete without a journey to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately we couldn't go ALL the way to the top because of the weather, but the view was still pretty good to me!
Our last spot of the final night in Paris, was a QUICK visit to Moulin Rouge. We had several bites, who am I kidding, MOUTH FULLS, of great food along the way; including Crepes and duck! I don't know what you may have heard about the French, but everyone WE encountered was extremely helpful and patient, as we tried to speak in French or responded in English! I couldn't have asked for a better time.
As always, updated pictures are to the right and I hope to include another post soon of the videos we made. Look for it, An American in Paris: The Sequel. The Sisters Coppins are already planning for 2012! London should be fun, we may even let the little one join us, since she will finally be legal! Let 2009 be a year of moving forward towards your destiny. Quick Question... "What would YOU attempt to do, if you KNEW you could NOT fail?"