Monday, July 20, 2009

Country Cookin'

Well, I am back from Nashville, it's actually been about a week and I am preparing to head out of town again. But before we go there can I just say... Nashville was totally awesome!

I am so thankful to my other parents, Joan and Jerry, for housing and feeding me!!! Can I just say, I love country cookin', so good you have to leave off the /g/. I had a great time catching up with everyone, but the story of the 10 day visit was my camping experience with my girl Stephanie.
Some may not be aware of this, but I was a Girl Scout and to earn one the badges we had to camp. BUT... we camped in the back yard of the troop leader's house and another time in tents at GS camp. So, I thought.... surely I could do this. Joan and Jerry, big camping folks, hooked me up with equipment and Steph had the tent, but... I will leave the mini-videos to describe the rest... but let me add my disclaimer. Rain, Thunder and LIGHTING ladies and gentleman is NOT your friend!!

Finally, my girls of the BTC celebrated our 3 Year Anniversary with a traditional tea party... HATS and all! It was so great to catch up and see what all have been doing during my season in Italy.

What else is going on...

1. I am heading to Jacksonville for 3 days, with my ed consulting group.

2. The week after my mom and I are going to Chicago for a few days, I know there will be a post about this trip!

3. I finally made a decision, but you have to stay tuned!