Ciao Familia~
Well, I wish I had better news to share, but unfortunately there has been a bit of a snag last week with the final paperwork needed for the VISA. Here is the short version...
Around the 13th I had problems with the US government. Not like I was a spy or anything. Like most folks, I applied for financial aid. But I got an email from the Feds (not really the feds, but the US DEPT of Ed, which in a sense are the Feds), saying they couldn't process it. My SS# was found, but my name, and birth date didn't match. Talk about a scare of identity theft! Because of this, SACI couldn't create my student aid report (SAR) which is what I need to take with me to Detroit, to show the Italian Consulate that I won't be a burden on the country, etc. It is just a web, dominoes... Each step is contingent on the last step. So although I have my stuff together, this snafu, effects everything else.
So I started researching and pretty much used all last week to call and visit and pray. This was pretty frustrating, because like any major organization filled with bureaucracy no one talks to anyone else! Turns out the name and SS# were correct, but my birth year was listed as 1919!! In addition, out the 4 groups I was working with (SACI, FAFSA, NSLDS, TN DOE,etc.) only one group had it incorrect, but that effected everyone else. So after multiple calls, emails, faxes, pin number changes, they finally got the correct year. The ironic piece, I started with calling folks in TN, who sent me around the world, LITERALLY, just to come back to TN to get it fixed who had to also call someone in FL.
So now that it is correct... I am waiting for the school to complete there part and send me the final paperwork. I have to call the school on Tues, because my contact is out today. The real crazy part, I am speaking to one person in NY and the other in Florence. I can kind of laugh about it, but not really, I will laugh after I get back from Detroit! Maybe...
1. I plan to go to Detroit toward the end of July. So this is more like a back step or would that be a sidestep?
2. On Saturday, my dinner club is having a garage sale. So I plan on putting several items in that!
3. Some good news, speaking of selling. I sold my piano! This is a blessing, it is too much and too hard to try to move, so I am glad it has found a new home.
4. My last day with the county is quickly approaching. I have so much to do, so I am ready for the last day. I have pretty much cleaned out my office, I have about one more small load. There was actually less then I realized, once I started recycling!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008

Good Evening Family...
Well, it looks like I am being "Chatty Kathy" this week. But so much has been going on and I don't want you to miss a minute. So here goes...
1. I received my health insurance info yesterday. I know you may be thinking... and, but this is major! I have to have coverage and proof of such when I go to apply for the Educational Visa. And beleive it or not, Italy is pretty picky and only wants a specific kind. So CHECK! Got it..
2. My new school, has decided I would be a better candidate for the Post-Bac as opposed to the year-abroad program. My choices are Art, Art History, or Art Restoration. So I decided to go with Art, with a focus on Drawing, which will help me with interior design! I had to submit my art portfolio (The shot on this page is an example of what I included) of 15 pieces and course choices. My final paperwork should arrive early next week. The called to confirm today... CHECK!
3. The furniture is slowly moving. Although I still have SEVERAL things to share with the good people of Craig's List... Looks like I have sold the bed and both night stands. So Semi-Check!
I am getting excited and a little sad. I will be leaving Nashvegas around August 26th and in just 12 short weeks I will be in another country! I feel so mixed with emotions like a Lemon Drop totally shaken! It is going to be a busy time... CHECK!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Everyone! I had the drawing class tonight and can I just say, WAY BETTER experience. I am more so in my element. We are going to be working in multiple media from pencil depth to charcoal. I have a few additional supplies to pick-up, I wonder if Claudia can make some recommendations? (She is my art teacher at the school where I am principal for the next 20 days.)
So here are the two exercises (focusing on the line) that we did today...
Drawing your hand, without looking at the paper. Yeah, I know makes, no sense, but really it did. The purpose was to get us to sssslllooowww down and look for detail.
The second activity was drawing a shoe, without lifting the pencil, one continuous line!! I selected a roller skate, rather then the heels I had on. Those of you who know me well, know that I was not puttin' my feet on that NASTY floor! But that roller skate was probably just as scary but I loved how it looked with its rusted metal wheels. I am sure I will pull this again. (mental note, add gloves to supply list!)
Both pieces turned out, um... what's the word, "interesting."
We are also drawing standing up, with our easel at a 90 degree angle. Why? It has to deal with perspective and view... It will also help us as we go from the item to focus of our page. And yes, I will be leaving the heels at home, the concrete floor is unforgiving! Now pray for me, because we are supposed to create a self-portrait for the last assignment. In the past, portraits have not been a strong suit for me! They always come out looking like "Pat." (you know from the Saturday Night Live Days back in the 90s.) Lost in the androgynous zone...
Here's a thought I had. I find it funny that both of these classes, CAD and Drawing are starting at the same place. "The foundation of the line."
So here are the two exercises (focusing on the line) that we did today...
Drawing your hand, without looking at the paper. Yeah, I know makes, no sense, but really it did. The purpose was to get us to sssslllooowww down and look for detail.
The second activity was drawing a shoe, without lifting the pencil, one continuous line!! I selected a roller skate, rather then the heels I had on. Those of you who know me well, know that I was not puttin' my feet on that NASTY floor! But that roller skate was probably just as scary but I loved how it looked with its rusted metal wheels. I am sure I will pull this again. (mental note, add gloves to supply list!)
Both pieces turned out, um... what's the word, "interesting."
We are also drawing standing up, with our easel at a 90 degree angle. Why? It has to deal with perspective and view... It will also help us as we go from the item to focus of our page. And yes, I will be leaving the heels at home, the concrete floor is unforgiving! Now pray for me, because we are supposed to create a self-portrait for the last assignment. In the past, portraits have not been a strong suit for me! They always come out looking like "Pat." (you know from the Saturday Night Live Days back in the 90s.) Lost in the androgynous zone...
Here's a thought I had. I find it funny that both of these classes, CAD and Drawing are starting at the same place. "The foundation of the line."
Monday, June 9, 2008
Well Family, I had my first CAD class today at Watkins. As a reminder, CAD is short for Computer Aided Drafting. Now, I recall taking a drafting class in both MS and HS. I thought to myself, I am computer savvy, I can handle this. HA!! Little did I know. I sat there the first hour like the deer waiting to be hit by the bus, the second hour the teacher finally took pity on me and pulled up a chair. On our way to the third hour, I finally started to feel a sense of success. Well, at least I was able to build a chair, couch, and the starts of a pretty snazzy garage. So don't you think that is success... Just don't ask me to put them together as one house...
I can't be too hard on myself, in the end it is definitely easier then the T-squares of the past. Wish me luck for my second art class tomorrow. I am taking Drawing and hope to have more success. And yes, at least today, I plan to go back to the CAD class again. (Insert eye roll here.)
I can't be too hard on myself, in the end it is definitely easier then the T-squares of the past. Wish me luck for my second art class tomorrow. I am taking Drawing and hope to have more success. And yes, at least today, I plan to go back to the CAD class again. (Insert eye roll here.)
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