Good Evening Family...
Well, it looks like I am being "Chatty Kathy" this week. But so much has been going on and I don't want you to miss a minute. So here goes...
1. I received my health insurance info yesterday. I know you may be thinking... and, but this is major! I have to have coverage and proof of such when I go to apply for the Educational Visa. And beleive it or not, Italy is pretty picky and only wants a specific kind. So CHECK! Got it..
2. My new school, has decided I would be a better candidate for the Post-Bac as opposed to the year-abroad program. My choices are Art, Art History, or Art Restoration. So I decided to go with Art, with a focus on Drawing, which will help me with interior design! I had to submit my art portfolio (The shot on this page is an example of what I included) of 15 pieces and course choices. My final paperwork should arrive early next week. The called to confirm today... CHECK!
3. The furniture is slowly moving. Although I still have SEVERAL things to share with the good people of Craig's List... Looks like I have sold the bed and both night stands. So Semi-Check!
I am getting excited and a little sad. I will be leaving Nashvegas around August 26th and in just 12 short weeks I will be in another country! I feel so mixed with emotions like a Lemon Drop totally shaken! It is going to be a busy time... CHECK!
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