Greetings Family,
What do you think?
The last two Saturdays have been very busy traveling and learning! Last Saturday I stayed close to home and visited Palazzo Vecchio. The palace originally built by the Medici's, it is still used as city hall today. They even had actors portraying the family in the square that afternoon. It was very cool, because the tour I was on was of the secret passages!! We were even able to see Lorzeno's treasure room, where he coordinated the portraits with the items behind the painting. No treasure left mind you... These pictures have of course been added!
Yesterday, I went to Pisa and Lucca for the day. Both places were absolutely beautiful. I was; however, very surprised at how SMALL the the leaning tower is! I don't know, for some reason, I just thought it would be massive, perhaps from all the pictures you see. But, it was not, still a site to see, but small none the less. And of course I took the famous pose, how could I not?!
Now, I must add, I was DOG TIRED on this trip, but it is my own fault!! Several of you know I love to dance and love 'ol school hip hop! Well, after hitting up two other spots for food and beverages, I met a British DJ with my couch surfer host and now friend Danielle. He shared all about his spot where he works, an underground after hours 'OL SCHOOL HIP HOP spot!! What?! How could I not grace this place with my presence. Can I just say WE WERE GETTING OUR DANCE ON! So much fun... and I forgot to add, this is a spot with mostly locals, non parlo ingles, solo parlo italiano!! (I don't speak English, I only speak Italian!) Lots of practice, the owner couldn't believe I had only been here for 3 weeks. Needless to say, if you want to know what a sunrise looks like in Florence, it's nice... you should check it out. But I paid for it the next day around Pisa and Lucca, ergo the leaning and molto dopo cappuccinos (several double cappuccinos)...
So now what...
1. I think I have recovered and finally got some rest today.
2. I am planning my trip to Athens, Greece (not Georgia) for fall break with Jen (my housemate) and Katie (another post bac). Danielle can't go.
3. As you know I have changed my "focus," to photography so here are a few recent shots through my lens. (Don't worry, Hunters Bend I'm still drawing too! Thanks for the encouragement.)
1 comment:
love your photos
miss you so
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