As a Girl Scout we would often close each meeting singing the following: "Make new friends, but keep the old ones. One is silver and the other gold." Last week my friend Danielle hosted a
Buon Viaggo for me (and birthday fun for Amanda too). It was crazy to see how many people I connected with in such a short time. I promise, like my grandfather, I know NO strangers!! That being said, I feel like my time in Italy has allowed me to make 3 special (new) friends. Jen, Amanda, and Danielle. Each one is so unique in their own right, have made great models/victims for me, and I am grateful to know them all.
Jen was my housemate when I first arrived. She is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 American.

Her parents are missionaries in Japan and this is where she was born and grew-up . The funny thing, Jen doesn't really "look" Japanese. When I first met her, I thought she was Latina and Amanda thought she was from the Philippines. In some sense, Jen has made a game of it, forcing folks as we meet them to
guess when they ask her,
De dove' sei? (Where are you from?) This guessing game has become the inspiration for one of her new art projects! Jen is going to be my interrupter when I head to Japan!!

Amanda is from Wisconsin, Lake Superior to be exact. She is so sweet, I promise she would give you diabetes! When I met Amanda, I said, "Great! We need a red head!" She loves life and is compassionate and on two separate occasions has literally given me the shirt and swe

ater off her back; when I failed to pack one! I have learned a lot from Amanda, she remains an inspiration to me with her simple comment, "I don't want to go back to selling insurance."
If you recall we had a show together at the end of February. I often tease the two and tell them I need to put them in my pocket when I go to New York!!
Finally Danielle. Where do I even begin!? We met because I surfed on

her couch and started hanging out pretty much weekly from there. She has the funniest dog Rosalita, who you can't help but love! If it wasn't for Danielle, I am pretty sure I would not have gone to several concerts and events typical of Florence, my first Rugby game or ate most of the cheese and gelato I've consumed here lately. After five years in Florence, she is trying to decide if she is ready to return home to New York... It is a hard decision to make!
So now, as my trip is drawing to a close, I begin to think of my (old) friends (Marcia, Omeka, Lisa, Kechelle, April, Laresha, and Tashina (the BTC), Stephanie, LaShawn, Coby, Joan, and Monica (my cheerleaders), Lisa, Lisa, Lori, and Lashlee (former coworkers), and Milton (friend for life).
I wish there was a way for everyone to meet!! One is silver and the other gold...
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