Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Vision is More than Just Pictures!

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to meet with several ladies from my Runner’s Club with one focus… VISION and the creation of vision boards! Simply, a vision board is a creative opportunity to capture your heart and mind’s desire in one area. Contrary to belief this is not a new age ideal, but rather grounded in the ultimate Foundation!

 Habakkuk 2:2, of the New Living Translation, quotes the Lord, in saying, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.” What’s that… a RUNNER!  Well of course, I was totally pumped to create an image that corresponds to my heart’s desire to run the next race to my full capacity, while representing the message (you may be the only Jesus someone ever meets). To be stronger… leaner… faster!  It was also great to see what the other ladies created to best express their voice.

The next day it snowed, well it is Wisconsin in January, so no big surprise there, right? But as I was walking to work, I found myself behind a Bob Cat mini snow plow that was clearing the walk way. It made me think back to my vision board, which is kindly displayed where I can see it as I exit my apartment each day, and the mental picture that comes to play. I thought to myself, “Wow, this is awesome; he is going to pave my whole way to work! I love it!” Well, little did I know he would be turning around shortly, still leaving a few blocks of my path to proceed down—covered in snow.

So here is my personal revelation that clicked as I was walking in… The vision (in this case getting to work) was still there, the line of sight (my building) still there. However, in this case it was just covered a bit and a little more effort needed to accomplish the goal (getting there on time!). (Side Note: I really wish someone would create snow boots that are safe, warm and fashionable!) And while my vision board is displayed nicely, where I can see it each day, capturing my heart and mind’s desire, featuring words and phrases to keep me pumped…  I still have to put the work in (running, cross training, etc.) and the effort (abs are made in the kitchen after all) to reach it! Remain focused and get it done!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Amos 3:3

“Can two walk together less they agree?” The heart of Amos 3:3.  Simple notion most would agree… however, when referring to the New Living Translation I like how it brings it all the way home (as one pastor I know likes to say),  "Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?"  

Currently family I find myself at a crossroads, trying to determine exactly what direction to take. Yet, I ask you this, What if the two do agree? What if the two agree on the direction that they are walking, but not the pace? Do you stop, keep going or create a new direction? In one instance, I think it best to keep going; however, alone. Why, because I am not sure… I find myself turning, spinning, and realizing what I thought was true may have all been a misunderstanding. It may have been a hope that is the is my fountain of youth… my blue whale…. my straw spun into gold.

Being a runner, pace is very, VERY important.  (Side Note, I just realize I always seem to include some sort of health and fitness analogy. What can I say, it’s who I am.) Not only does it give you a sense of the expected finish, but it also makes you aware if there is a need to speed up or slow down, to reach that expected finish. When running with others, you often check with your run partner to ensure they are not overly winded, fatigued or bored and ready to turn the jets on! At times, depending on the partner, they may encourage you to go head and they will catch-up with you or ask you to hold back or even slow down and walk together.  The funny thing is, YOU as the partner, have a choice!

And so now, I am running or in this case walking the path  in agreement, moving in the same direction, but apparently the wrong pace. I think to some degree if I knew the desired pace and the expected end, it would make it easier to place one foot in front of the other. If I knew the desired pace and the expected end, it would make it easier to keep going. BUT since I have absolutely no clue…. I am ready to just sit down and do nothing altogether and look for a ride. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year: In the Press

Happy New Year!

So begins another year of sharing my thoughts with those around me; thanks for reading.
This morning when I awoke, I realized that in 2 months EXACTLY I will be celebrating my XX birthday. As I sat on the edge of my bed, moving a little slower then usual, I began to ponder and think,”Wow! I am getting closer to the next big age milestone” and for some reason I thought I would be further along in my journey then where I am.

I thought I would be married (and never divorced)… I thought I would have at least 2 possibly 3 kids by now…  I thought I would be making art full time… I thought I would be traveling around the world… I thought a lot of things, almost to the point of a downward roll-coaster spiral of sadness. Whoa…  And then I was reminded, “… set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.” Colossians 3:2

You see, regardless of what I thought… God already has thoughts towards me and a plan for me, and from what I hear it is pretty good (Jeremiah 29:11). And so, I am not married… YET! I don’t have 2 possibly 3 kids, but I thank God for Ms. Essence Marie and while I may not be making art full time, I do still have time to do so. As for traveling around the world, it will happen, just focused on the 50 first (running a 1/2 in each along the way 3 down, 47 to go).

Regardless of your resolutions, commitments, or aspirations for 2012, I offer this… Press! describes the verb (acting as an action verb in this part of speech) as, “Move or cause to move into a position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force!”  Press toward the mark… (Philippians 3:14) toward the prize that is established for you. That’s all I needed to THINK! Personally, I am pressing in my walk, I am pressing for debt freedom. I am pressing to remain in my authentic self. I am pressing to remain healthy and fit and encourage a few folks along the way. I am pressing to celebrate in 2 months my xx birthday, regardless of what it may look like today!

Press on dear friend... Until Next time.