Friday, October 3, 2008


Well, it is official, I have now been in Firenze (Florence) for one month and am living La Dolce Vita (the Sweet Life)! Along this one month journey have come a few questions that seem to repeat themselves among my family and friends, so I thought I would share the responses, as I continue to find a pattern of me repeating myself, while I encourage individuals to read my blog.

What is the television like, do they have the same programs as us? I don't watch a lot of TV, one because I do not have time and two, because sometimes it is hard to follow. My housemate Jen, watches a lot of MTV, since it is in English with Italian subtitles. Of what I have seen, they have several shows from the 70s and 80s, like Heart to Heart and Charlies Angels, but they also have current shows like Friends, Grey's Anatomy and even Ugly Betty! All with voice over mind you...

Do they use sign language? and if so, can you understand them? Here is the funny thing, I hadn't seen ANY deaf people until my dad asked me this question. Now I seem to be running into them in various parts of the city. On this particular day, I was a bit nosey and observed the conversation, but I have to admit, I couldn't understand!! In fact, in the US most signs are regional, so I could communicate with someone from Texas, but just like Italy, parts would be lost in translation.

Tell me about the wine? The quick and the short, it is STRONG! I am typically a two glass kind of girl, but here, at about 1/2 a glass, I am starting to "feel it!" So you have to be careful. I am still sticking closely to Vino Bianco (White Wine), it is my favorite!

Along with this I am frequently asked, How is the food? These people obviously have NOT read my blog! Before I arrived, I made a commitment to try everything at least once. So far I love the food, although a person can only eat so much prosciutto caldo (cooked ham) and the first time I tried to eat Spaghetti Bolognese (Spaghetti with meat sauce) I 'bout lost it. I also find myself continuing in my vegetarian lifestyle, especially when I eat at home. When shopping in the Mercato Centrale (Central Market), they have a desire to show the freshness of their products. This is done by leaving the heads on or worse, placing the heads next to the carcass of the animal. *insert green face here.* So I am sure you can see why I am sticking to the vegetarian piece and the gelato (ice cream) diet. My cousin Ashely and friend Stephanie both made comments about my physique from recent pictures. It is true, I have LOST weight since I have been here. Which is crazy, since I eat gelato or some form of dolci (sweet/dessert) every night and sometimes several times a day. I know it is all of the walking around town that I do. Which is a good thing, since the wine is so strong!

When you get a chance, be sure and check out my latest article with The Florentine. I am off to go and start washing film from my visit to the Boboli Gardens.

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