Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Salon: The Beginning

Warning... Cross Posting Ahead!! I was just too excited to keep it to one blog!

Greetings Fans! 

Will you join me in celebration? On Sunday afternoon I received the following email: "Congratulations, I am pleased to inform you of your acceptance into the MARNsalonII (Free Money) with guest curator Michelle Grabner!" 

MARN is the Milwakee Artist Resource Network. A Salon which began in Paris, is described by Wikipedia as, "The Salon or rarely Paris Salon (Salon de Paris), beginning in 1725 the official art exhibition of the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France. Between 1748-1890 it was the greatest annual or biannual art event in the Western world. In December 1890, the leader of the Societe des Artistes Francais, William Adolphe Bouguereau, propagated the idea that Salon should be an exhibition of young, yet not awarded artists." A salon is also known as a gathering of people under the guide of an inspiring host (guest curator in this case), to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation.

TA-DA!! That pretty much brings us to 2012. Your's truly has been blessed and selected to participate in the Milwaukee Artist Resource Network's Salon. I was personally invited to submit application, but still felt unsure. Needless to say, I have been personally invited before to apply for other "competitive" style fellowships, awards, etc. and not come out successfully. Several of you know, one of my motto's (one of the reason's I had the confidence to go to Italy), "What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail?" And so I applied... and was accepted!

Will you join me as I share this journey?

Please start by visiting my personal portfolio at MARN. You can also support my efforts through this page. At this point, I have replied and accepted MY SPOT in the Salon! I am one of only four artists that will be featured. *swoon* In the next two weeks I will have a studio visit from MARN's curator Ana Hansa-Ogren as we begin the process in sharing, "a chance to spark critical dialogue in Milwaukee and share [my] creative practice with other artists and art professionals." Oh, and of course make work! I look forward to sharing this journey with you...

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