Greetings Family~
Wow. Have you ever seen that commercial or the circus act where the guy is spinning the plates on top of a thin pole. The pole is all wobbly and he is trying to ensure the plate maintains enough speed and enough balance so they don't drop, only to add another one; while keeping the first one going. Well, yeah, that is how my life has been for the past 2 weeks! I don't totally feel like I will be able to pull down a few plates until August 1; at least that is the date I am shooting for.
PLATE 1: I go to visit the consulate in, Detroit next Wednesday. I believe I explained how the Visa applications must be made in person, AND that it is regional. Well, if you live in TN and want to go to Italy, you must go to Detroit to get permesso di soggiorno (permit to stay). It should be fun, that is what I am saying and I am sticking to it! I just finished copying everything and now have to just organize three little packets. One of originals, one of copies for them, and one of copies for me. You would not believe the list of items needed to get into this country (passport, passport pictures, letters of acceptance from the school, insurance, bank statements, school transcripts, copies of degrees etc. etc. etc.)!?!? I promise, I have wondered several times if people have to go through all of this to get in the USA (that is legally of course).
PLATE 2: I have been having several moving sales. Trying to get rid of several items. I just don't want to pack it and move it! It is so funny, because as I look at all of this stuff, I keep thinking, where did this all come from!? Have these vases been multiplying secretly in the cabinets. When was the last time I wore that? Did I ever where that? Why did I start this craft? Please someone buy this armoire and NO, that is not for sale! I am having yet another sale this Saturday. After that, I am giving it to Good Will, I'll just take the tax right off.
PLATE 3: Packing and Moving. It is so funny, we get so excited to find a new place or visit an old one. And then we actually have to pack everything. I reserved the U-Haul today and I keep stopping by the liquor store for boxes! Again, my house looks like it literally exploded. And mind you I haven't even pulled everything out., but I have started packing. Once my living room is clear, that will HELP A LOT!
PLATE 4: Trying to maintain some since of normalcy is the final plate. Well, I know there are more, but no need going into all that. This includes, laundry, which just keeps adding up and never ends. I still have to wash towels. Working out, I found a great swim class at the Y! I have been riding my bike to save on gas, and I have a sprint triathlon next week. Helping at church, that old over achiever coming back to haunt me. Catching up and saying good bye to friends...
(This is my dinner club to the left, celebrating 2 years of dining together this past June; we're having Italian tonight!) Coffee, Lunch, Dinner, Linner (a little Seinfeld humor). But now, I think I need a nap. That is a definite benefit of not working!!
Zzzzz u later....
1 comment:
Laci- I don't know if you know this or not, but my daughter Jennifer spent last semester in school in Italy-Milan. She needed a visa and we had to go through al the hoops as you are doing. But, we didn't go to Detroit because there is an Italian representative for the consulate in Franklin. If you call the consulate, they will give you her name and she is authorized to sign all the document. You still have to mail all your paperwork in, but you don't have to go to ?Detroit in person- unless you are wanting to visit the lovely city in person!!
Amy Crosby
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