Buon Giorno Familia~
I am recently back from my overnight to the Italian Consulate in the big D! Detroit that is... I will warn you in advance, this is a rather lengthy post, but entertaining... PLUS there is soup at the end!
I went this past Tuesday (7.22) only to do a quick turn around and come back on Wednesday night. Here is the funny thing, It almost felt like a little vacation, not having to be at the house, steadily packing. UGH... Plus my friend Eric, you'll see him in the updated pictures to the right, was such a help!! He was my own personal tour guide and chauffeur. Friends, don't let friends, get lost in a strange city, you know... oh, or eat at chains, only local spots where you can see Canada from your table!
I couldn't sleep the night before, I headed to Detroit... I was so anxious, and kept thinking, "I don't want to
miss my plane." "I hope I have everything."Did I put the extra envelopes in?" I was up early that morning and my plane didn't even leave until 10. When I got to the airport I just passed right through security and began the wait. My nerves were getting the best of me, so I would get up walk a bit, sit, listen to my iPod, get back up walk you know the drill. So when I finally boarded the plane, before we even got in the air, I was asleep! I guess the restless night, caught up with me. I did; however, manage to get some beautiful shots of the cumulus clouds as we sailed above them.
So let me fast forward to the good part! The morning came for me to visit the consulate. I was up at 6:30am, having the breakfast of champions (Cheerios with a banana). I just started to ponder and during my morning devotion, I tried my best to continue in my prayers. Asking God to show favor with the people, wanting things to go smoothly, etc. But on this occasion, on this very special morning, that I have been waiting for and planning for, all I could do is offer thanks to the Father. I was a bit emotional... No surprise to some of you. A tear here and there would trickle down my cheek and I would just say and sing, "Bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. He has done great things Hallelujah." I couldn't help but think of my grandfather at this moment. One, because he loved that song, but also because I wish he could be here to share in this excitement. I understand, now more then before, what the author meant in Romans 8:28.
Eric dropped me off at the BUHL building at 8:30, you know I am all about being on time. Turns out the Italian Consulate is an office building inside of this larger building on the 18th floor. It reminded me a bit of the Chrysler building in NYC, especially with the architectural detailing. (I did get a few distinct shots, after my visit upstairs, only before I was castigated by security. Apparently, you can't take pictures in this building, some Post 9-11 rule. Oops, my bad!) Since I was way early, security turned me away, he let me know, "They don't get there until 9, so I may want to come back closer to time." Waiting in the Starbucks next door, I had a green tea latte and spent some time people watching.
Of course I was fly, in my black suit, leopard print shoes, and large red bag. Bella Donna. I purposefully took it up a notch. Simply because I didn't know what to expect and I had read in my Living, Studying, and Working in Italy book they take pride in a polished appearance, all the way down to the cell phone. Of course I had to do my part!
I head back and sign in at 9:07 at the main desk, then I ride up to the 18th floor and sign in again with Mr. Willie Thomas. He was the sweet security guard who took the shots of me outside of the consulate. (Apparently they didn't tell him the rule.) I told him I was going to add him to my blog! He just laughed and said, "OK." And then proceeded to spell his name for me, I guess he wanted to be sure I got it correct. LOL! After signing in with Mr. Thomas, he said, "You may now enter." I was shocked when I walked in and saw 5 other people already ahead of me, at that moment I just knew this was going to take a minute!
I sign in on the clip board and have a seat. The room, which I do not have pictures of, was a small exterior waiting room; filled with couches, chairs, pictures of Italy and a locked door that allowed you to enter into the main quarters. The best way to describe it is, somewhat similar to what you experience at the doctor's office. They had a glass wall of windows, like at the bank, or Harold's Fried Chicken in Chicago. You speak through the grated hole and pass the documents under the glass, but you don't get any chicken in return. You just get the Consulate Nazi. My dear friends, YOU KNOW I LOVE SEINFELD, watch the reruns often and find a reference in life just about everyday. Well, this day was no different. I promise to explain!
The first four people were all together. Husbands and Wives who were seeking dual citizenship. They were speaking Italian. I could understand what the Consulate Nazi was saying initially, but the husband, I had no clue. It really was another language, like Memphis, you know. (No offense to my peeps from Memphis, but we all saw "Hustle and Flow.") Anyway, one of the applicants finally asked to speak in English. She began telling the Consulate Nazi how they had been there a year ago and unable to complete the process and were turned away. I thought OMG! A year ago!! Well, turns out they were still missing their money and like I told you all earlier, they do not take checks! So why did these folks think they could just up and write one?!?! So they had to leave and go get their funds.
At this point, the woman behind the glass belts, "Student Visa?" That is me, but the Asian guy to my left hops up. "Who was first?!?," she asks. I point to him, he points to himself, she looks irritated. The best way I can describe it. At this point ladies and gentleman, you will see why I have dubbed her the Consulate Nazi (For the non Seinfeld folks, it was originally the Soup Nazi, and if you didn't have your order, your money, or both ready and together, you were dismissed with the retort. "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" I promise you need to You Tube the entire episode! or you can click the link NO SOUP FOR YOU for a "taste").
This poor man, who mind you has a very thick Asian accent and the Consulate Nazi, who obviously has a very thick Italian accent, begin to communicate with regards to his items. (If you recall, you must bring originals and copies and what you bring also depends on what type of Visa you are applying for.) She begins to ask him for his copies, he is trying to give her the originals, this goes on for about 2-3 exchanges. She turns to me, "Do you have your copies?", I nod and say, "yes." I am literally shaking, because she is pretty scary folks! The Consulate Nazi asks him, "Why do you want to come into the country?" He explains, "For the conference." (From this I gather it is possibly a work visa, since he is presenting at this conference.) "Do you have your papers in order?," continues the Consulate Nazi. He attempts to slide everything under the glass. "No! She exclaims, I can not open this for you. You must open. I do not have time to do this for you! Have you seen my desk?! (I am watching their exchange like a ping pong match.) Did you not read the Internet? You are supposed to have two piles your originals and your copies! Do you understand?" As she is saying this, she is also adding the hand gestures of making the separate piles and here it comes. "YOU move out of the way! Come back with your things in order. NEXT! Student Visa?" Oh... that is me!!
I hop up to the window. Instantly she compliments me on my big red bag. She says, "ooohhh I love your bag." "Thank you," I respond. (Ladies we all know, just add shoes, bags, and stir and I promise the conversation will take a life of its own. And if martini's are a part of the picture, come back in an hour!) I begin pulling my items out of the bag. Envelope 1 is filled with the originals, Envelope 2 is filled with the copies, the other stuff in my bag includes: Envelope 3 my copies, and miscellaneous envelopes that have just in case items. Just in case they want additional proof or questions, I can pull it out. I am ready! The Consulate Nazi also sees that I am ready. And she gladly points this out to the Asian man, "See, she has her originals, she has her copies. She read the Internet!" She quickly flips through the papers and comes across my transcripts, my OFFICIAL transcripts. Well, we all know a transcript is not official unless it is sealed with the stamps and signatures etc. She says, "Oh... no, I can not open this, you must open it." Uh-oh... is she going to give me the boot. I quickly open it, explaining to her why it was closed, how the request for an official transcript and what makes this official. She didn't seemed to worried about it. She flips through all of the originals. Then she requests the copies. I have them clipped and ready to go, she says, "Leave them clipped, I can take it just like this. Bene, Bene." She retorts as she continues to flip. She then begins to ask a few questions...
"Oh... so you are going for school." "Yes mam, I am going to study Art and Interior Design!" I exclaim. She then asks, "Are you excited?" I reply, "VERY, words can not express..." She then warns... "You better be careful. You have a pretty smile, the Italian men will love that smile." (May I insert a wandering thought here... THOUGHT: Now I have heard this and had friends and former colleagues warn me about this. I even read a few things on line, but all from an AMERICAN perspective. And each time I thought nothing about it. But, now, that a REAL Italian woman, one who is from Italy, and has lived there has shared this warning, I am starting to pay a bit more close attention!) I chuckle and respond, "Well, will see." She finishes going through all of the papers, takes my passport (they take the passport to place the Visa inside of it, most likely it will be electronic) and says, "Very good... you will have it before you leave."
Now, I already told you how she was a bit snippy, but I didn't know if she meant, before I leave the country or the office for the day. And I didn't want to ask... So I sat down for a minute and pulled out my papers from the school and the Internet, making sure I had covered everything. I find one thing, specific stamp I need to request, should I go back? Well, the Consulate Nazi had gone back to assisting the Asian gentleman, God bless him, and her twin sister, Consulate Nazi II comes to the window, asking to assist me. Well, Consulate Nazi steps in and says, "What's wrong?" I go to the window, showing her the paper from the school. She says, "NO, you will not get it today, see, this is why you give me the envelope, I will mail to you." Well, before her head starts to spin, I just say, "OK," apologize for the misunderstanding and leave. I leave my poor Asian friend, still
working with her.
Well, it took me longer to wait for my turn then to have them flip through my items. Go figure! After waiting for Eric to come and pick me up, we went for lunch and he dropped me at the airport that night. Back to the Humid Zone...
So Now What...
1. I had two moving sales this month. Those pictures are in the new set too. I am so thankful to all the friends who came to help me out!
2. I only have the dresser and chest of drawers to sell and the love seat. So if you know anyone.
3.Don't you know I heard from a friend and former colleague about a place I could have gone to in Franklin, TN!!! After all this! Oh, well... it is about the experience. Plus, I wouldn't have met the Consulate Nazi.
4. I am packing, packing, and um let me see... PACKING! My poor momma. I sure hope her basement can hold everything. And did I mention she was taking Essence for me while I am away. Please start praying now, for both of them.
5. I have also rented a U-Haul truck and I have several clothes boxes that I ordered from theme. They are very sturdy!!
6. I found a small group of people who meet weekly to practice speaking Italian! I found them on Craig's List, and hope to start this week.
7. Finally, my friend Marcia is planning a going away party for me and my friend Stephanie the after party. Uh-oh, now where are my dancing shoes. Did I pack those already?
Well, I KNOW not these, they are $1, 100.00!!! Yes, for a pair of shoes, but they are Manolos...

1 comment:
Hey Laci...I'm glad you are continuing to keep your blog up to date. I find it very interesting. Keep it up!
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