MY VISA is here. It came today in the Express Envelope I left behind. I mean, I know they said 1-3 weeks, but you know... "Fly like an eagle!"
So here is a brief description of the content, it is like a little sticker, that is sealed in place! (I wouldn't dare scan it!): It says Visto (Visa) at the top. It lists several things, including: the country it is valid for, Italia, my time of arrival and departure, down to the day, which Consulate issued it, and on what day it was issued, my passport number; and of course my name and picture. So let's do some math... I met with them on the 23rd, it was issued on the 31st and I got it today!! Now this is bureaucracy at its finest...
Here are pictures of some of the places I plan to visit while studying in Florence (London (we will visit here as a field trip), Paris (my 1/2 sister and I are spending New Years here), and Greece (I plan to go for fall break, it is too close and too beautiful not to see). These obviously are not through my lens, but you get the idea...

So here are the next steps with my new friend, Visto...
I have to send several items to the school (ITALY LOCATION) before I arrive. They want to be able to have these copies to start the Permesso di Soggiorno (Permit to Stay) and make the process easier for everyone involved, especially the student. **Most IMPORTANT** is the official stamp from the Italian Consulate on the Italian Enrollment Letter!
I'll be sending this off next week, along with my absentee voting forms (Thanks Lori for your help with this.) I would be remiss if I did not Rock the Vote. Ooohh, stay tuned for posts on how Europe is viewing the election!!
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