Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Buono Sera Familia,

The time here is a little before 3. The building is quiet, as most people have left for lunch and sieste. So I will use this time to share my thoughts quickly, because I too need to eat lunch! Can you believe I am eating this late!!

On the flight over I met the sweetest Greek woman while standing around; literally standing around. A person can only sit so long, and I was over the plane ride the minute my TV wasn't working and the lady next to me began her grooming processes, etc. She spoke Greek, Turkey, Bulgarian, but not English! When she came out of the rest room, the sign language began. I got the impression she wanted to practice her English. So sure, why not... here is a chance for me to practice my Greek, oh wait, I don't speak Greek! Apparently, her husband works in Chicago.
They have a house there and in Athens` I think it was Athens. *let me pause here, I am on an Italian keyboard, so stuff is moved around and missing and not where it should be. So see the star on the line above, that was supposed to be a open paranthese; not so much. But I am figuring this thing out!) She went on about her family and being split between the two countries. Her name was Lena, like the girl from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants *great movie!) But she looked nothing like her. From this exchange, Lena taught me two Greek words. Which are given here in phonetics, Kolo, which is nice. She thought that I was very Kolo. And Yashoo, which is hello and good bye. Question, 'Why is it we are the only ones who don't have a dual greeting?'

On the transfer in Munich I met a very nice man. I began to use my Italiano! Non parlo Italiano, parlo Portuguese! So needless to say, the conversation was very short, but he was sweet. *He only spoke Portuguese, I kind of speak Italian)

My first day in Florence when like this and trust me when I say this is the Reader's Digest version! Out of my 3 pieces of luggage only 1 was there at the airport. Driving to the center of town, where my couch surfing host Danielle lived, was a bit scary! These folks drive a bit crazy and I was glad I was riding and just taking in the city. There is quite a bit of graffiti, which I didn't expect. Danielle explained to me that in Florence the suburbs are the bad part of town no one wants to live there. Everyone wants to be in the center of the Piazza. Danielle, with her dog Rosalita, were AWESOME hosts. She was so helpful, considering I was missing so many items. I would insert some pictures, but I don't have my camera... She took me to a festival hosted by the Democratic Party (the other option are the Communist, but apparently they lost, so nothing to celebrate) with food and a concert. She has been living here for 4 years, so she definitely knows her way around. My first REAL ITALIAN MEAL was risotto with asparagus and vanilla gelato with chocolate syrup and hazel nuts for dessert. RICH! To say the least. I know for sure I will be walking, otherwise, I will be rolling home!

Almost done, today 9.3.08 or as they say in Europe, 3.9.08, I had an interview for a freelance writer with an English speaking paper. I GOT THE JOB!! I actually was assigned my first story. Can you believe it!? I am covering an art opening, the artist is the guy who started SACI. I have a private meeting with him domani (tomorrow) as they begin to hang the 70 pieces of his work in the museum. I am turning in a draft on Monday and I go to copy on the 15th. I have one of the main stories!! Not bad for my first time back in the author's chair. I will be sure to add a link in a later post.

So now what...

1. I am going to get some lunch.
2. See about the water in my apartment (there was none when I came over. And did you see I figured out the open parnethese!!) and roll my sole bag back to the place.
3. Begin my research for my story and maybe watch some TV. You should see Friends or Charlie's Angels in Italian voice over.
4. Add to the list of what I am not going to be when I grow up... Pilot or Flight Attendant!
5. Try not to get lost literally going around the corner, trust me, it has happened already!



Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD! safe travels, interesting experiences, nice hosts, little practice here and there--girl, God is being good to you, right?!? I can't wait to see pics and hear more about your journey. Don't forget to reach out to my classmate, Kristina. She is in Rome-- I told her you were in Florence...I think that's right. She's on my FB page. SMOOCHES!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!! First of all, so glad to hear that you are ok. I was going to blow up your phone and make you answer me if you hadn't updated this blog. Let a sister know you are safe.. jeees! :-) At any rate, YES!!!! You got the job! That is awesome.. What a mighty God we serve girl! Have you gotten your shout on on Italian soil yet??? That is good old praise waiting to happen! LOL. Well keep us posted on the happenings! Talk to you soon!
Ciao! :-)