Tuesday, May 20, 2008



Well, let me tell you, I have just received a book, from a parent and friend, titled Living, Studying, and Working in Italy by Ward & Larner. My former colleagues know that I am all about the non-fiction reading and so I have been going through this in a ravenous fashion. It is truly a good read and I would recommend it!! So here are a few fun facts that I have learned. Feel free to apply them accordingly, especially when you come to visit.

1. If you ride the bus in Italy, it is on the "honor system." Can you believe it! The authors say, most folks just get on, but if the bus police catch you, you have to pay a fine on the spot, about 5 Euros, which is roughly 8 bucks!

2. Shopping there is NOTHING like here! You better know what you want in advance. You have to tell the shop owner, they pull it for you and you go to try it on. There is no flipping through the racks. In addition, I hope you aren't the modest type, because they will just come in on you "to help" and sometimes the dressing room is slightly open because it is barely covered by a curtain or door that covers the main areas of the body. Mi Scusi (Excuse me)!! And here is something I found hilarious; being a shoe girl. If you are trying on a pair of shoes and they don't fit, well it is not the shoes, "your feet are just swollen from the day." That trick won't work on me!

3. My Italian friends only spend cash! Dave Ramsey would be so proud. The authors say you will litter ally see people with WADS of cash! They also frown upon the credit card and the large shops are the only ones to take Visa/Master Card or traveler's checks. And don't even think of writing a personal check! This is totally unacceptable. That will take some getting use to, I literally think I have a few dimes in my purse, I am a total check card kind of gal. No mas! ( this is Spanish for no more, I don't know the Italian word for more...)

4. A final factoid. Paying your bills is often done in person. I guess since you are paying in all this cash you can't mail it. You just walk to the spot and you only pay every few months. And your water bill is the highest bill. Mind you, you are surrounded with water on three sides, a peninsula!

Final thoughts...

I am still working on the Italian, but I have a mom of a former student who said she would tutor me this summer before I go! Grazie

Still selling. The couch, a mountain bike, and bistro table for the patio are out! Still more to go!! UGH...

I start my art class here on June 9. It is a Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Class! Wish me luck with that.

Lo Parlero a tu domani. ( I will talk to you tomorrow. Which is not really, but the Italians always say domani (tomorrow) when they really mean next week.)


Anonymous said...

I sure hope the cost of airfare goes down while you're there. I'd love to come visit!

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. I see I'm going to enjoy reading this. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

While I am trudging through school, work and life.. I will live vicariously through your adventures. I am so excited for you. I can smell the food and the vino!! Have a blast. I can't wait to read the next post. Lily