Thursday, September 18, 2008

No Pressure...

Ciao Ragazzi!

Yesterday my drawing class went to Academia. You may not know this, but this is the location of the original David, by Michelangelo. (A replica is located in the Uffizi Square.) They moved David indoors to protect him from the elements and he is absolutely beautiful! Dare I say breathtaking. Well, I about lost my breath when John, my British drawing instructor let us know we would be sketching David. WHAT!! Are you kidding me?

Being the good little student that I am, I kindly set my place and began the process. Then I realized, as people were walking by, tourists and such, they were looking at my paper! Looking at the papers of my classmates. Citing for the world to hear or at least those in ear shot, "ahh, art students." Of course each glance offered judgements of approval or not. Great, so now, I not only have the pressure of drawing this GIANT, but also the community, ensuring I get the curl of his hair and curvature of everything else, just right. I won't bore you with my sketches, but let's just say, I am glad I am in the class. I will add; however, once I started using the charcoal, it felt and looked better, trust me, the tourist from Canada told me so!

As far as my other classes, I LOVE my photo professor Jacopo (I know, but we are in Italy). He combines photography with literature. I have been waiting for a teacher like this all my life! Jacopo will also be my advisor through grad seminar. He was so kind to recommend a number of books for me to start, one of which I have to have the first 6 chapters complete by next Tuesday. Glad I love to read!

In Video, my teacher is Bruno (again, but he is French, SACI has quite the international faculty!) I already made my first short. It was about an addicition to running. The first step is to admit you have a problem... This weekend, my partner and I will be working on a "sequence", but we still have to come up with the subject. Let me know if you have ideas...

Finally, what we have all been waiting for... my piece came out today in The Florentine, simply click to follow the link. I also have my next story! I will be completing the Up Close and Personal Section of an artist named Marina Calamai. Her story is unique, her art is of desserts. Question: I wonder if she will bring real samples of the models she uses when we meet? Thanks Steve for the lead on this one, I owe you a cappuccino!

Well, I have to run, my friend Danielle is taking me to an opening tonight. She has been great and helps me with the Italian. I am finally understanding, I just wish I could respond!


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